Thursday, October 24, 2013

Converting Still Images to Video from the Command Line

ImageMagick and ffmpeg combined can be used to turn still images into video. Both ImageMagick and ffmpeg have been around for years, and are readily available as packages with most Linux distributions. The tips below allow you to convert images on the command line, which for a may appear to be time consuming, but once you know how to do it you'll find it much faster than using a GUI!

The Packages
You'll need:

Resizing Images from the Command Line
ImageMagick includes "mogrify" which is a fine tool for easily changing image size and resolution. Great for converting images for uploading to the web, or preparing large images for video. For example, the following code re-sizes all *.JPG images to a maximum width of 800 pixels and a maximum height of 600 pixels. This will over-write the originals, so take copies of your snaps first!

mogrify -resize 800x600 *.JPG

Morphing Images Together
This step is only needed if you want to create a smooth transition between the images.

Another fine part of ImageMagick is the ability to morph images together. In the following example we take all *.JPG files and create 10 images for each "gap" between the images. The resulting set of images are saved as XXXXX.morph.jpg, where X is the next number in the series.

convert *.JPG -delay 10 -morph 10 %05d.morph.jpg

Creating a Video from Images
ffmpeg can be used to stitch several images together into a video. There are many options, but the following example should be enough to get started. It takes all images that have filenames of XXXXX.morph.jpg, where X is numerical, and creates a video called "output.mp4". The qscale option specifies the picture quality (1 is the highest, and 32 is the lowest), and the "-r" option is used to specify the number of frames per second.

ffmpeg -r 25 -qscale 2 -i %05d.morph.jpg output.mp4

Putting It All Together
Here's a simple example of how to create a video from the command line, using the resizing and morphing techniques we have gone through above. The example first creates a "temp" directory to work in, so we don't risk destroying the original images. Note: the morphing stage may take a while, so be patient!

mkdir temp
cp *.JPG temp/.
mogrify -resize 800x800  temp/*.JPG
convert temp/*.JPG -delay 10 -morph 10 temp/%05d.jpg
ffmpeg -r 25 -qscale 2  -i temp/%05d.jpg output.mp4
# rm -R temp

The Code Used

# Create a directory and copy the original images there for manipulation:
mkdir temp
cp *.JPG temp/.

# Resize the images:
mogrify -resize 200x200  temp/*.JPG
# Create the morph images
convert temp/*.JPG -delay 10 -morph 5 temp/%05d.jpg
# Stitch them together into a video
ffmpeg -r 50 -qscale 2  -i temp/%05d.jpg output.mp4

In order to make a video out of still images, like in a Power Point or Libre Office Impress, I created one image from every slide starting from a blanc one, naming them form 000.rdp.jpg to 025.rdp.jpg, then I used the command:

avconv -r .1 -qscale 2 -i %03d.rdp.jpg output.mp4

The "-r .1" gave 10 seconds lapse for every slide.

Source: It For Everyone.

Creating an ISO image

Create a cdrom image
sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.iso

Create a dvd image
sudo dd if=/dev/dvd of=dvd.iso

Create a scsi cdrom image
For a SCSI CDROM image, your device is probably called /dev/scd0
sudo dd if=/dev/scd0 of=cd.iso

Create an ISO image from files in a directory
To create an ISO image from files within a directory is just as simple. State an output directory and name of the ISO to create, along with a source directory. For example:
mkisofs -o /home/linuxlookup/example.iso /source/directory/

Another way to make any Linux directory into an ISO file:

mkisofs -V LABEL -r DIRECTORY | gzip > cdrom.iso.gz

Using GENISOIMAGE to Create ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem
sudo apt-get install genisoimage

To create a vanilla ISO9660 filesystem image of directory:
genisoimage -o cd.iso cd_dir

In the next command the -r and -J ensures long file names work for Unix (using Rock Ridge) and Windows (using Joliet extensions).
genisoimage -r -J -o cd_image.iso /directory

Mounting an image

mkdir -p /mnt/isoimage

mount -o loop -t iso9660 cd.iso /mnt/isoimage


umount -lf /mnt/isoimage